Social and Community Services

We are the Union for workers across the social community sector.

Our members ensure that ours is a civil society, where we protect the vulnerable, where everyone can participate in and be part of our community. We are advocates, support workers, case workers, carers, trainers, coordinators, counsellors, solicitors, clerical and administrative support.

We work at local community services, the heart of our communities, across: 

Child Protection, Youth and Family services

Health, Mental Health and Alcohol & Other Drug services

Community and Neighbourhood services

Migrant and Settlement services

Homelessness, Housing and Tenancy services

Community Legal services

Aboriginal services

Women’s services

Policy, Advocacy and Campaigning

Employment services

Community Transport

Aged Care

We work across the sector from small local neighbourhood centres, to regional organisations, to major organisations like Life Without BarriersMission, Mission Australia, Settlement Services International, St Vincent De Paul SocietyThe Benevolent SocietyUnitingGetUp, and Amnesty International.
